MP 295 with Train 21, the Aztec Eagle in the Missouri Pacific San Antonio, Texas station.
(Photo by Roger Puta, railfan 44, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

In 1948 the Missouri Pacific (MP) and the National Railways of Mexico (NdeM) began running the Aztec Eagle, or in Spanish language, Aguila Azteca, from San Antonio to Mexico City. The name was in keeping with the Missouri Pacific’s use of the word “Eagle” in its streamliner names. The NdeM upgraded the train in 1953 with streamlined passenger cars imported from Swiss manufacturer Schindler Wagon. The train continued to run until early 1969 when it was discontinued by the Missouri Pacific. The NdeM part of the train ran well into the late 1980s.
The MP and NdeM ran connecting trains, through cars, or through trains from St. Louis, Missouri to San Antonio, Texas to Mexico City, D.F. via Laredo, Texas and Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico and back beginning in 1915.
Even though the new train featured through cars, the entire train did not cross the border into Mexico, as the Missouri Pacific was reluctant to send brand-new streamlined equipment to Mexico. As a result, despite being named Eagle, the MP's through cars were older heavyweight cars. On the other hand, the NdeM did not send any streamlined equipment into the United States, preferring to send heavyweight cars as well. Eventually, the through heavyweight cars were replaced by streamlined cars, and the through sleepers from San Antonio to Mexico City continued to the end of 1968, with through coach service continuing for a few weeks into 1969.
Timetable Schedule
Missouri Pacific Aztec Eagle
21 Train Number 22
Daily Miles (Missouri Pacific Lines) Services Daily
12 05P Dp 0 San Antonio, TX (CT) C Ar 1 30P
F12 30P 13 Von Ormy, TX F 1 05P
12 50P 23 Lytle, TX 12 50P
F12 59P 28 Natalia, TX F12 38P
1 08P 33 Devine, TX 12 29P
F 1 20P 42 Moore, TX F12 15P
1 39P 54 Pearsall, TX 11 56A
F 1 51P 63 Derby, TX F11 39A
2 03P 70 Dilley, TX 11 28A
F 2 14P 77 Millett, TX F11 15A
F 2 25P 81 Gardendale, TX F11 07A
2 37P 87 Cotulla, TX 10 55A
F 2 55P 98 Artesia Wells, TX F10 35A
3 20P 115 Encinal, TX 10 09A
4 20P Ar 154 Laredo, TX C Dp 9 05A
Connections to Aguila Azteca at Nueva Laredo, Tamps., Mexico
All Regular Cars Air Conditioned
Designating Number of Sleeping or Parlor Cars indicated below.
TRAIN No. 21
San Antonio to Mexico City (10-Section, 1 Drawing-room, 2 Compartment) No. 314.
San Antonio to Mexico City (8-Section, 5 Double Bedroom) No. 316.
Dining Lounge (Missouri Pacific Car)—
San Antonio to Mexico City.
Coaches—(Reclining Seats)—
San Antonio to Laredo.
San Antonio to Mexico City. (Reserved Seats.)
TRAIN No. 22
Mexico City to San Antonio (10-Section, 1 Drawing-room, 2 Compartment) No. 326.
Mexico City to San Antonio (8-Section, 5 Double Bedroom) No. 321.
Dining Lounge (Missouri Pacific Car)—
Mexico City to San Antonio.
Coaches—(Reclining Seats)—
Mexico City to San Antonio. (Reserved Seats.)
Laredo to San Antonio.
(National Railways of Mexico Notes)
National Railways of Mexico
Through Air-Conditioned Trains—
Modernized Service
EQUIPMENT—Through Pullman Sleepers, 10-Section, 2 Compartments, 1 Drawing-room and 8-Section, 5 Double Bedroom—also A.C. Reclining Chair Cars and Dining Lounge Cars on Trains 1 and 2 between San Antonio and Mexico City, connecting at San Antonio with the Texas Eagle of the Missouri Pacific.
Trains 1 and 2, Through Air-Conditioned Sleepers, 10-Section, 1 Drawing-room, 2 Compartment and 8-Section, 5 Double Bedroom—also A.C. Reclining Chair Cars and Dining Lounge Cars between San Antonio, Tex., and Mexico City. Connecting at San Antonio with The Texas Eagle of the Missouri Pacific.
Missouri Pacific 4167 with Train 2, the Aztec Eagle coming into San Antonio Texas in old paint scheme, 1960.
(Photo by Roger Puta, railfan 44, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)
An advertisement for Missouri Pacific's Aztec Eagle. Click to Enlarge.
A Missouri Pacific Mexico themed luggage sticker. Click to enlarge.